Monday, November 27, 2006

Life is a circle...

I've spent most of my life taking. I wasn't necessarily a thief (well not all the time). But I took everything I have. I came to the conclusion at a young age that I will not be given anything easy. If I want something I have to go out and get it by any means. I've been successful at it too.

I've gone through some years of personal growth. You know the times... nothing seems to work and you blame yourself for it. Then you force yourself to think maybe it's been me the whole time and not the rest of the world. Well that's me. In 2000 I lost my girl, my job and most of my "friends". I was ok with that. I can always get a girl. I always knew who my real friends were. But I lost my job. I didn't get fired I just got tired of making other people rich and I just gave up. Times got hard and I didn't want to have hard times so I decided to go into business for myself. I've always been a smart dude. After giving it some thought I decided to be a drug dealer again. I did it when I was younger when there was real money in it.

For 6 years things were good. Cocaine is god to many people. Teachers, Lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, and Entertainers. The thing I realized about drugs was that no matter how many lives get destroyed by them there are always people who will risk there own lives to get high. It's amazing to me. I never quite understood the pull of cocaine. Everyone that I ever saw high on it never really seemed to be having fun. But they love spending their last dollar on it though. Who am I to judge?

The good times all came to screeching halt in April. I got busted. Yep! The boys in blue came to get me. Well they were undercover but they got me. I'm not really pissed that I got caught. I'm more pissed at the way I got caught. It should have never happened. I was asleep at the wheel and I should have known better. Never the less, it's all good. New York City has this program for first time offenders. It's call ATI, Alternative To Incarceration. They send you to a drug program. If you complete the program successfully it's like it never happened. Cool. I have 6 more months left of clean drug and alcohol free living.

The District Attorney hates my guts. She can see right through my bullshit. Fuck her! I'm playing the game the way it was meant to be played. And she knows I know how to play the game. Fuck her!

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